Quiet care
While ČEZ is perceived as a stable and reliable energy leader, the majority of the general public is unaware of all of the changes CEZ has made over the last two decades - significantly reducing coal consumption on the Czech market by 60%, developing renewable energy sources or big improving to distribution infrastructure.
It is not a campaign. It is the future.
The campaign publicly commits the CEZ Group to tangible and respectable goals – limiting coal production to even lower levels than stipulated by European standards and large scale energy savings and share of renewables. All the while maintaining it’s position as a number one employer of choice in the Czech Republic and the quality of customer care.
Clean Energy of Tomorrow
The campaign is inherent to the organisations name – Clean Energy Zitrka (Tomorrow). The main visual element of the campaign is a stream energy/light characterising energy and it journey toward the future through clean landscapes of renewable source and the modern technological facilites that fuel it at CEZ. Research has already shown that the perception of CEZ is shifting from institution to that of a warmer, caring neighbour who’s working toward a better future for all of us.